Author Archives: kdelab

World No.1 speed (running time) achieved with Anchor-Flood

At last, our Anchor-Flood algorhtm has achieved World No.1 Running Time with “Anatomy” ontology alignment in OAEI2008 held in ISWC2008 in Germany. It is outstanding achievement that dotoral student who is attending international conference in Karlsruhe, Germany, has got No.1 running time among all the participants in OAEI2008 (OAEI stands for Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative) in Anatomy track.

Journal paper published (No.3 from Alumni of Aono Lab. )

We are proud to announce that as of October 16th, the journal paper titled “3D Shape Retrieval Using Manifold Ranking” has been published in IPSJ Journal, Volume 49, No.10. It is utterly amazing that we have seen the third journal paper this year publised. If the paper is written by someone who is currently in doctoral course, there is no wonder. However, what makes us surprising is that all three journal papers publised this year are from our alumni who got only ME degrees. I really hope these sequential efforts do make other students of our laboratory stimulate/inspire in seeking further investigation of the academic field of their interests. I could not resist my temptation to weep for joy.

On-the-Job-Traning for National College Students in Summer Program

After two years breaks, we invited National College students for summer interns. This year we had two guest students from Toyama National College of Maritime Technology and Ishikawa National College of Technology. It lasted only for a week, but they were very efficient to implement fundamental methods for 3D shape retrieval with Java programming language. This is why I had to add an extra material of Web application GUI interface with Tomcat (version 6.0.18). I wish this experience will brighten their spirits.